Do you know the most important tool you can learn during COVID-19?

First let me break down the Lean History

  • Henry Ford and his management team create and implement the “assembly line” and “synchronized production”.
  • The foundation of lean is the Toyota Production System developed in the 40’s and used extensively in the auto industry for 25+ years
  • Lean tools and methodologies were popularized in the US as the heart “The Machine that Changed the World” by Womack (1990).
  • Ford, Pratt & Whitney, and IBM are some of the companies that began adapting lean to their companies.
  • In 1996, Larry Bossidy brought lean into Allied Signal and by 1998 it was integrated into Six Sigma.
  • Parts of lean were introduced to DuPont in early 1990s as CFM (Continuous Flow Manufacturing)

Lean Definition

  • The process of producing what is needed, when it is needed, in exactly the right quantities, with perfect quality, in the least amount of time. 
  • It relies on the premise of increasing profits through the relentless focus on the elimination of waste!

Why Lean

  • Waste elimination is the foundation of the lean enterprise
  • Continuous elimination of waste through out all processes and products
  • Produce what is needed without excess inventory in the least amount of time
  •  As a business, we need to regard delays in time as opportunity for improvement
  • Large stocks of inventory are delays of time which produces dead money  

Your mission

  • To learn how to implement lean practices
  • Learn how to identify waste at your job
  • Identify the cost savings/cost avoidance
  • Learn how to execute on a quick lean project


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